News The European Federation for Family Employment mobilises MEPs

The European Federation for Family Employment mobilises MEPs

16 October 2014

The European Federation for Family Employment decided to hold its 5th meeting at the European Parliament on 6 November 2014. The goal is clearly to make MEPs aware of the challenge faced by the federation, which is to create a social innovation model to serve all European citizens through household services, family employment and homecare.

The deployment of a real European policy for this sector is at the heart of the EU 2020 strategy, whose overall aim from the outset claims to be the transition to a “sustainable social market economy”, which intends to find answers to two large interdependent challenges:

The EFFE believes that employment, and the employment of women in particular, remains the key word when starting preparations for this new term alongside the MEPs.

The family employment and homecare sector, which is credited with the potential to create 15 to 20 million jobs by 2020, could be a driver for economic growth, particularly through the creation of new types of jobs to fight against unemployment, undeclared work, and social integration.

EFFE 2024 European Electoral Manifesto

A social Europe that works for every home