News MyCred4Home: IPERIA develops micro-credentials in the PHS sector
European Projects

MyCred4Home: IPERIA develops micro-credentials in the PHS sector

31 January 2022

Since 30 November 2021, IPERIA has coordinated the European project MyCred4Home to promote social inclusion and professional insertion of disadvantaged groups of people (migrants, job seekers, etc.) through the development of micro-certifications in the PHS sector. This project will last 30 months latter and those micro-certifications will be defined according to the needs of employers in the sector.

For this European project, IPERIA will collaborate with the following organisations:

This initiative is in line with the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights, in particular principle 1, and with the public consultation launched in the first quarter of 2021 to which EFFE and IPERIA responded.

The proposal for a Council Recommendation of 10 December 2021 defines micro-certifications as the record of the learning outcomes of a small unit of learning (volume or duration) assessed in accordance with transparent standards that guarantee their quality and portability. They are particularly suitable for low-skilled groups such as PHS workers, who are involved in a wide range of activities requiring specific and often cross-cutting skills. They are particularly flexible and inclusive and should enhance access to vocational education and training while responding to the changing needs of the labour market. Finally, they should promote the social inclusion and professional integration of people with disabilities, such as migrants or jobseekers, who have limited access to training schemes.

The project aims to:

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