We are pleased to invite you to the Audition of Brando Benifei (IT, S&D), which will take place on March 2nd 2016 from 4:30pm to 6pm at the “Ile de France Representation to the EU”(rue Montoyer 10, 1000 Brussels). Simultaneous translation into English, Italian and French is planned.
As part of its 2016 orientations, the European Federation for Family Employment aimed to work on the topic of the Refugees crisis, and how family employment can be a part of their integration.
Actually, according to ILO’s publications, 82% migrants are employed as domestic workers in the world, whereas European Union is facing major issues, this initiative report should come up to European citizens expectations and set up a response based on EU28 cooperation.
We hope this exchange of views with Mr Benifei will help pushing for policymeasures in order to comply with the UNHCR recommendations. Indeed, UNHCR suggests limiting to six months the period during which asylum seekers are not allowed to seek work in the host country. By opening access to the labor market and education could reduce the cost of their welcome to the public purse, discourage illegal work and facilitate their reintegration in their own countries after their return. Because they would be allowed to acquire some financial independence and a certain level of professional competence. Those are deeply in accordance with the values defended by our organizations.
In order to register to this event please send an email to info@effe-homecare.eu.
A social Europe that works for every home