News EFFE engaged in international debate: ECOSOC Partnership Forum 2022

EFFE engaged in international debate: ECOSOC Partnership Forum 2022

3 February 2022

In line with its strategy of reaching out to the international community and the granting of a “special” consultative status within the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in 2021, EFFE took part for the first time in the ECOSOC Partnerships Forum on February 2, 2022. Within ECOSOC, which has an oversight and coordination role for international actions addressing the three pillars of sustainable development, this annual meeting format highlights the importance of partnerships and the joint engagement of tools and practices to achieve the sustainable development goals set out in the 2030 Agenda.

Through the involvement of some of the UN stakeholders, such as state representatives and non-state stakeholders (private sector, civil society, etc.), it provided an opportunity to exchange best practices and illustrate synergies and partnerships for a more international sustainable development.

Under the banner of “Building back better from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) while advancing the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, this hybrid 2022 edition of the forum has been grasped by EFFE as an opportunity for exposure and political discussion.

With a program rich in multi-field sessions to accelerate the process of implementation of this agenda, some moments have addressed the issue of women’s involvement in the economic or social field and joint actions to reduce inequalities specific to this audience, which echoes EFFE’s positioning.

EFFE’s commitment to the issue of the women’s public responds to the priority of taking into account and valuing unpaid care and domestic work and a balance of responsibilities in the household and family, as stated in Goal 5 of the 2030 Agenda: “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls”.

Indeed, the PHS sector in Europe faces significant informal work patterns especially in care (childcare, long-term care…), with a gender imbalance in the distribution of formal and informal caregivers, to the disadvantage of women, who represents the majority. This responsibility, in addition to the public repercussions (economic losses, quality of care services) that it generates, represents a heavy mental and physical burden that prevents 18% of European women from working.

As a result, EFFE advocates for a political recognition of informal caregivers that also promotes affordable and quality solutions provided by PHS, which are important providers of employment for women and contribute to a fair work-life balance.

EFFE 2024 European Electoral Manifesto

A social Europe that works for every home