News Create adapted certification course for domestic workers
European Projects

Create adapted certification course for domestic workers

9 April 2019

The purpose of this project funded by the Commission’s Erasmus+ program is to expand the practice of vocational training as well as the definition of quality training frameworks within the European Union.

Funded by the European Commission’s program Erasmus+, PRODOME project started in November 2016 and brought together French, Italian and Spanish partners with, for each country, a social partner representative of domestic employers or employees and a training organization specialized in domestic tasks: FEPEM and IPERIA L’Institut (France), Assindatcolf and Margotta SRL (Italy) and Grupo SSI and CCOO (Spain). The ultimate purpose is to expand the practice of vocational training and the definition of quality training frameworks within the European Union. The objective pursued by PRODOME project is the professionalization of home and domestic employees, including the development of a comprehensive skills’ profile defined by the various project partners and integrating all the maintenance activities of the living environment and caring for people requiring human support in the execution of basic daily tasks: preparing meals, caring for children, care for the elderly…

Technically speaking, the program mostly consisted of establishing a comprehensive overview of the measures in force in the three partnered countries and on a second phase of determining a typology of workers’ profiles – such a typology would eventually help building adapted certification paths that will be made available through a digital platform in all EU Member States.The idea is to encourage as wide a dissemination as possible of the certification pathwaysso that public authorities and actors involved in home employment can seize it in order to transpose it into their national legislation and finally to ensure their legal enforcement. Submitted to an experimental bid in Spain and Italy, the certification modules have shown the added value of such a project for domestic workers and for the strengthening and recognition of their skills onto the labor market.

The partners’ final conference of the partners is scheduled to take place on October 10, 2019 in Paris. It aims to present substantial results after three years of work as well as to clarify political issues and to formulate proposals for the project’s application follow-ups. European and national political guests but also private sector personalities are expected to participate and to have professionalization highly regarded and recognized and properly implemented in a near future.

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