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National data

Hourly cost of undeclared indirect employment or net salary (€)

Net hourly wage for a single employee (100% of the average salary in the rest of the economy)

Tax wedge (% of labour cost)

VAT rate for indirect care services for service providers (%)

Share of direct employment (%)

European Union

Public finance balance for €1 invested

1.07 €

  • Subsidy per hour

    The amount of subsidy required to make declared hourly wages competitive with undeclared work, considering social security and tax charges. (Gross cost for public finances)


  • Price paid by users

    The total cost that the user must pay for one hour of declared work, after deduction of any subsidies or assistance. (remaining expenses)


  • Direct return effect

    The revenue generated directly for the state through the subsidy (taxes and social contributions). Additional savings, such as reduced unemployment benefits or social aid, could also be considered, but they are not included in this simulator to maintain a simplified approach.


  • Indirect return effect

    The indirect financial impact for the state. In this simulator, only the increase in working hours in the rest of the economy—enabled by the time saved for users—is considered.


  • Windfall effect

    The amount of taxes and social contributions that would have been paid or retained even without the subsidy. This helps refine the calculation of net estimated benefits.


  • Net public cost

    This indicator measures the return on investment for public authorities per euro invested in the subsidy. A negative result means that the state recovers more than it spends through generated tax and social revenues as well as cost savings.
