News Call for action to support home employment at European level

Call for action to support home employment at European level

2 May 2019

Political or civil society stakeholders, candidates to the European elections, local authorities, trade unions, companies or committed citizens, we invite you to sign the Call for action so that the next European mandate will carry Social Europe at the highest and keep on implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights, so that European decision-makers can mobilize on the role of home employment in bringing social Europe forward.

The White Paper led by EFFE and partners and presented on 6 March to the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) draws up a series of 10 political proposals that aim at fostering development and better structuring home employment sector in the European Union. How to better statistically perimeter the sector,  strengthen social dialogue between the European social partners or include a digital dimension to job declaration procedures will benefit not only to all actors but also on many different levels, either social (recognition of undeclared work), fiscal (tax reductions for employers, lower cost for employees) or professional (development of a universal skills account) and standardization of domestic employees’ training courses), all of them being major challenges for the European citizens to whom the proposals strive to respond.  

The Call for Action is a call for signatures that clearly displays the commitment and support of our civil society partners, as well as the many political, national and European actors. Your support is crucial too! That is why, political or civil society stakeholders, candidates to the European elections, local authorities, trade unions, companies or committed citizens, we invite you to sign the Call for action so that the next European mandate will carry Social Europe at the highest and keep on implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights, so that European decision-makers can mobilize on the role of home employment in bringing social Europe forward.  

The Call for Action advocates the following five initiatives:

1. Recognize a European status of the employer and the employee at home,

2. To acquire integration of the sector in the statistical nomenclatures of the European Union in order to better quantify the actors of the sector and provide them with adapted public policies,

3. Develop new, simplified digital tools for declaring work at home, and encourage the creation of social and tax incentives for employers,

4. Create career paths for employees of the sector,

5. Allow the opening of new social rights for declared employees.

All of these proposals would eventually allow the creation of a common European reference framework, with a single employer and employee status, universally recognized competences, and a single social public policy for all European citizens, employers or home employees.  

Support us here ! Call for action (English version)

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A social Europe that works for every home