News ILO Domestic Workers Convention C189 Anniversary- European event – Call for contributions

ILO Domestic Workers Convention C189 Anniversary- European event – Call for contributions

1 February 2021

The Domestic Workers Convention, 2011, No.189 of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) represents a key step in recognising domestic workers as workers who are entitled to labour rights and protections equal to all other workers. Domestic workers have been among the least protected worldwide as labour laws in many countries either do not recognize them or expressly exclude them from critical protections, such as limits on hours of work and access to social protection, either in part or total. Convention C189 ensures, for example, workplace safety, health and social protection, and protection from discrimination and forced labour. In short, C 189 constitutes equal treatment with other workers in a country. Domestic workers have been hidden, without access to fundamental rights, subject to labour abuses, with difficulties to organize, and undervalued by many people. As the demand for this work increases, policymakers have a responsibility to take action to protect these workers. The ratification and implementation of C189 is an important step towards that end.

On the heels of the completion of the Ad-PHS project, a new alliance of organizations has been formed to work together and acknowledge this important milestone by organizing a multistakeholder conference on the ILO Domestic Workers Convention 189, ten years after its adoption. The event aims to draw attention and increase awareness about the importance of the convention with regard to ratification – but more importantly, implementation. Domestic workers have faced increased challenges during the global COVID pandemic, working in precarious and sometimes dangerous situations. However, the pandemic has highlighted and drawn attention to the importance of their work, in particular regarding care, and the need to ensure that these workers have access to the most basic rights.

This event brings together workers, employers, political leaders and academics, from around the globe to share findings, expertise and experience about changes, promising practices, and implementation of the C189. Through live presentations, we hope to share ideas and bring together thought leaders who will promote the improvement of domestic workers’ rights, protection and future prospects.

We aim to deliver inspiring sessions in the framework of a highly interactive online session. We will provide enhanced digital contents that will give participants greater access to learning, sharing and networking.

We are looking for papers from all partners, academics, workers, unions, worker cooperatives, employers, civil society, all level of governments, and other representatives. Contributions can be in different formats: video, posters, PowerPoint, academic papers, or other formats for online presentation and sharing. All format types will be considered. Abstracts are also encouraged to crosscut many of the topic areas.

We welcome submission in the following topic areas:

All accepted contributions at the virtual conference will be disseminated online and recorded for later viewing. Interactive question and answer periods will follow each paper presentation. Debate and networking will be encouraged, and specific networking events will be organized for participants and speakers. Please submit abstracts of a maximum of 300 words.


All abstracts must include the following information.

All abstracts need to be submitted in English, however interpretation may be available for the conference, if you have a preferred presentation language please state your preference in the abstract.

Please submit to:

* Undeclared work is defined by paid activities that are lawful in regards to the nature of the work but are not declared to the public authorities. Other terms for this type of work are: informal work, under the table work, black envelope work, or cash-in hand work.

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