Team & members

Team & members

Our team
Marie Béatrice Levaux
Andrea Zini
Karmele Acedo
Anita Poutard
Aude Boisseuil
General Delegate
Thomas Hector
Policy Officer
Pauline Wicquart
Policy Officer

Our members

Fepem is a socio occupational organisation committed to representing and promoting the direct home employment sector in France. It gathers around four million individual employers in France.
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Assindatcolf is an Italian association which provides domestic employers administrative support services, as well as employer-employee contact.
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IPERIA l’Institut is the expert of family employment’s professionnalisation, mandated by professional branches of domestic employees and maternal assistants to create and develop a training offer and professionnalisation tools.
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Grupo SSI is a Spanish cooperative Cooperative for domestic and personal care services from the Basque Country, which has privileged contact with the public administration and regional employment services.
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The aim of the Foundation for home is to anticipate and support the powerful transformations that are gradually making the home a place of work, education and care, by supporting research projects and experiments. Its mission is to have the home recognized as a major actor in public policy.
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La Fédération Générale des Travailleurs de l’Agriculture, de l’alimentation, des tabacs et des services annexes – Forces ouvrières is one of the five major French confederations of trade unions. It gathers trade unions representing the following sectors: craft food production, agriculture, food processing, mass distribution, hotels and catering industry, personal services, hairdressing and aesthetics in France.
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The IRCEM Group is a social protection group for home and personal services employment, family employees, employers and retirees in this sector of activity in France.
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Nuova Collaborazione is an association operating throughout Italy whose purpose is to represent and protect the interests of domestic employers, to draw the attention of the Institutions to problems relating to labor relations. The vocation of Nuova Collaborazione is to be at the side of families and to be the spokesperson for actions and legal provisions – including the tax exemption of domestic work – to help families, caregivers of non-autonomous people and those with children. .
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FIDALDO is the Italian Federation of Domestic Employers. It was created on the initiative of the four most important and historical national associations which, in Italy, participate in the stipulation of labor contracts and national collective employment agreements both at national and territorial level.
The main objective of its action is to coordinate the employers’ associations both from a trade union and political point of view.
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This occupational trade union aims to protect the rights and interests of maternal and family assistants employed by a household, a nursery or specialized services dedicated to child welfare.
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ACLI in Famiglia (AIF), established in 2017 under the auspices of ACLI, stands as a stalwart advocate for the rights of families and domestic workers in Italy. Dedicated to fostering constructive dialogue and legislative advocacy, AIF plays a crucial role in bridging the needs of employing families with the rights and welfare of domestic workers. Through strategic partnerships and national agreements, AIF ensures its members access to essential services and support across Italy, promoting equitable and dignified work environments.
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Coöperatieve Vereniging Gastouders Nederland (Gastoudercoöperatie Nederland) emerged as a pioneering force within the Dutch childcare sector. Founded in 2018, this cooperative of self-employed childminders empowers its members by enabling direct negotiation of hourly rates, thereby enhancing their professional income and bypassing traditional profit margins imposed by commercial mediation offices. In addition to fostering fair labor practices, the cooperative provides essential support such as insurance, training, and guidance, setting a standard for the integration of homecare services and childcare in the Netherlands. This enables childminders to have sustainable working conditions and thus to offer children a homely environment, ensuring a nurturing and personalized care experience.
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