Publications Joint Letter: Call for integrating Social and Health ambitions into the next EU Strategic Agenda 2024-2029
Position papers
Joint Letter: Call for integrating Social and Health ambitions into the next EU Strategic Agenda 2024-2029


As signatories to this letter representing social and health stakeholders in the EU, we urge
the Council of the European Union and Member States to ensure that the EU Strategic Agenda
2024–2029 keeps social and health ambitions high, as a prerequisite to achieving a “strong,
dynamic, competitive and cohesive Europe”.

The COVID 19 pandemic rightly highlighted the vital importance of having robust and
resilient health and social protection systems. The concurrent challenges of population ageing,
climate change, cost-of-living increases, accessibility and affordability of healthcare can only be
overcome by giving health and social priorities the attention they deserve. Only then will the EU
be able to build a European Union fit for the future, with resilient and sustainable social security
and health care systems that serve economic prosperity.

“Building a climate-neutral, green, fair and social Europe” was a central pillar for EU action
in the previous EU Strategic Agenda (2019–2024). As rightly highlighted by the Council in its Porto
declaration, the European Pillars of Social Rights (EPSR) is “a fundamental element of the
recovery” and is “at the core of a highly competitive social market economy”. Addressing social
inequalities and affordability of evidence-based healthcare are crucial for promoting cohesion and
economic stability. A strong European economy goes hand-in-hand with a social and healthy
Europe that works for all.

During the Spanish Presidency, the Council of the EU committed itself to “continue its
efforts to build a more cohesive, innovation-driven, and interconnected Single Market, preserving
(…) its social dimension and its openness”, as stated in the Granada declaration. The ambitious
agenda of the Belgian presidency foresees the perspective of the interinstitutional declaration of
La Hulpe, intended to serve as a blueprint for future EU social policy work. The momentum
generated by these two presidencies shall provide a strong health and social emphasis for the
EU term to come.

We believe the social and health dimensions are of utmost importance and should be
given the necessary attention at EU level, and so do the EU citizens according to the most recent
European Parliament barometer. Therefore, we call for including these priorities in the Strategic
Agenda 2024-2029 and on future decision-makers to provide adequate responses for a truly
citizen-centred, solidarity-based social Europe.

EFFE has signed the letter together with :

  • ACHSE – Allianz Chronischer Seltener Erkrankungen
  • AGE-Platform
  • AIEP – European Association of Paritarian Institutions
  • AIM – International association of mutual benefit societies
  • CESI – European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions
  • COFACE Families Europe
  • ČAVO – Rare Disease Czech Republic
  • DSV-Europa – Deutsche Sozialversicherung Europavertretung
  • EAPN – European Anti-Poverty Network
  • EFFE-Homecare – European Federation for Family Employment & Home Care
  • EFSI – European Federation for Services to Individuals
  • EFN – European Federation of Nurses
  • EPF – European Patients Forum
  • EPHA – European Public Health Alliance
  • ESIP – European Social Insurance Platform
  • Eurocarers
  • Feantsa – European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless
  • HCFA – Hellenic Cystic Fibrosis Association
  • REIF – Représentation européenne des institutions françaises de sécurité sociale
  • RONARD – Romanian National Alliance for Rare Diseases
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