Publications Joint recommendations for the European Care Strategy regarding migrant care providers and service users


Position papers
Joint recommendations for the European Care Strategy regarding migrant care providers and service users

The recommendations have been developed jointly and endorsed by the following organisations: Caritas Europa, EAPN – European Anti-Poverty Network, EFFE – European Federation for Family, Employment & Home Care, EFFAT – European Federation of Food Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions, EFSI – European Federation for Services to Individuals, Eurocarers, ERGO – European Roma Grassroots Organisations Network, Don Bosco International, FairWork (the Netherlands), FEANTSA – European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless, La Strada International, Make Mothers Matter, PICUM – Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants, UNI Europa – UNICARE, SIMI (Czech Republic), Social Platform and Red Acoge (Spain).

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