Last March 6 at the European Economic and Social Committee with the EU Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society Mariya Gabriel, the European Federation for Family Employment and Home care (EFFE) has introduced its European White Paper “Home, family employment and home care in the EU”, the result of over two years of cooperation with civil society organisations and EU institutions.
This White Paper intends to promote the sector of private home employment at a European scale and displays concrete paths for its further development. EFFE has already formulated 10 proposals so far, including the creation of a common European framework to standardize private employment that combines social protection for employees and facilitation of work declaration procedures for employers.
Downloaded here: the white Paper, its political synthesis and the Call for action
A few weeks before the European elections, don’t hesitate to sign the European White Paper “Home, family employment and home care in the EU” so as to give new horizons to the political and social Europe!
A social Europe that works for every home