News 3 questions to Yann-Gaël Amghar, Director of ACOSS

3 questions to Yann-Gaël Amghar, Director of ACOSS

23 July 2019

ACOSS is evolving in 2019 in a French social and demographic context that is sharply different from that existing when it was created more than fifty years ago. What means did it take to implement so as to adapt to the latest developments in French society and the evolution of social risks?

Acoss is the national fund of Urssaf. With its network, it is at the heart of solidarity financing of social protection. It collects contributions and social contributions that finance the four branches of the general social security system: sickness, old age, family, accidents at work / occupational diseases. Its expertise and ability to respond to major challenges are positioning Acoss today as the key player in the French economy and society.

Over the years, she has developed the quality of the relationship and service with contributors (simplification, legal security, support, advice …) by entering an economy of all-digital. Acoss conducts its action by investing in innovative solutions, in a progressive dynamic, with the ambition of making contributors and partners benefit from a modern, reliable, efficient and homogeneous public service throughout the country.

What good practices does France deserve to highlight and share with its European partners in terms of the use of digital tools and declaration of employees at home? What possible impact on European households, what added value of the development of digital tools among European employers?

The Pajemploi and Cesu offers proposed by Urssaf are good examples to be followed at European level. They meet the daily needs of millions of French people and support the development of employment in the personal services sector. By accompanying the home care needs of elderly people and people with disabilities, by contributing to a better balance between professional and personal life, by guaranteeing social cover for home-based employees, they concretely translate the values ​​of solidarity. and emancipation of the French Social Security.

For more than 18 months, Acoss has been deploying an innovation approach and offering new services. Thus, the website Cesu has been renovated. It now offers a more pleasant navigation and new features to facilitate and simplify even more the steps of employers and employees. All available from his smartphone. This spirit of innovation is also expressed by the implementation of the LabCesu, which intervenes to offer support solutions adapted to users who are remote from digital technologies.

What practices can you imagine in tomorrow’s home-based employment that ACOSS could take over?

To further facilitate the lives of private employers, in 2019, Acoss committed itself to open up its organization to digital talent in order to meet public interest challenges and promote public data. Offers dedicated to private employers Cesu and Pajemploi have been identified as a relevant field of exploration to enable the sharing of data relating to the activities of home-based employees with other public services (Health insurance, employment center, digital portal of social rights). This implementation of the “tell us once” principle is intended to facilitate the procedures of home-based employees and their employers.

In addition, Acoss has been working for several months with start-ups in the home-based employment sector, which offer matchmaking services between private employers and home-based employees. The goal is to allow users who book and pay for their online stakeholders to automatically declare benefits at the same time and thus has a simple and effective experience.

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